Top Secrets To Growing A Strong Hedge


Nothing good comes easy. No, dont be scared. This is not to scare you. It is common for people to have fear of what seems impossible to achieve. Growing a healthy and strong hedge is a product of many little things that we shall look at in the next few paragraphs. Consider what a man needs to grow strong and healthy. He needs food, air, cool and clean environment to grow well. In the same way, to get strong and vibrant plants, adequate sunlight and water, as well as nutritious soil, must be provided. That could need professional input if you are stuck on what to do.

You may also want to consider the following ideas to get a strong hedge.

1 – Adequate Sunlight and Water: Sunlight and water are to plant what food and water are to man. You cannot achieve much with your plants without these two essential ingredients. Ensure that your plants are well exposed to sunlight. Photosynthesis is a major reason why plants grow well. They are vibrant when they receive adequate sunlight. The other part is like unto it, water the plants generously. Malnourished plants will become dead and wasted. Therefore, feed your plants well enough for them to grow well.

2 – Prune Them Regularly: This involves physical efforts to get them back in shape. They will grow neatly and strongly too. It is best to start pruning when they are young. Prune your hedge once it reaches the desired height. How often you intend to prune is dependent on your discretion and how fast they grow. Normally, a hedge requires pruning more often depending on the type of plant, weather condition, or climate. If you prune regularly, youll be able to get the shape and pattern you want.

3 – Provide Additional Fertilizers: hedges will need fertilizers at some stage to grow well. It is noteworthy that, the more often you cut, the more often you should provide fertilizers for them. Its need for fertilizers will rise in direct proportion to the number of times it is cut. It could be twice a year or more, depending on its need.

As part of maintaining a strong hedge, you must include pest and disease management in your routine. This is important because if it is not done, all your hard work could go down the drain in a matter of time. If one hedge gets infected, it could infect other plants. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to pest and disease control. You should consider getting professional services to do this for you. The economic implication of hiring a professional cannot be compared to the damage infection will cost you in the long run. It is advisable to get a professional on your team.